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Park is Open 7 Days a Week | 6AM - 1AM
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Environmental Education Center Celebrates Reptiles & Amphibians

September 22, 2017

by Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy 

Did you know that New York City is home to many species of reptiles and amphibians? The newest theme in the Environmental Education Center gives you a chance to discover more about these scaly and slimy creatures. Here are five things you can explore in our new theme:

1. Ever wonder what animal eggs feel like? Place your fingers in our mystery boxes to see if you can figure out which represents frog, snake, and turtle eggs

Reptile eggs exhibit in a classroom.

2. Metamorphosis! Did you know that most amphibians undergo several physical changes through their lifecycle? We have several activities to help you see how these animals transform.

3. Increase your knowledge of reptile facts with new books in our library such as Miles and Miles of Reptiles by Tish Rabe, and classics like Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel.

Children playing reptile game in a classroom.

4. From turtle shells to snake sheds, our sensory station is filled with real animal objets you can touch and examine using a magnifying glass.

5. Think you have become a reptile and amphibian expert? Challenge yourself in our trivia and sorting games.

The Ed Center is currently home to two reptiles—an eastern box turtle and a red-eared slider turtle—as well as several eastern red-spotted newts, a type of amphibian.

Because Brooklyn Bridge Park is still a fairly new green space, it will take some time before significant populations of reptiles and amphibians venture into the woodland habitats and freshwater ponds in the Park. However, the Parks’ gardeners and visitors have spotted snakes and turtles from time to time. Keep your eyes peeled, and visit us at Open Hours to join in on all the fun!


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